Our fee models are designed to provide the broadest possible access to scholarship and ensure that this access will be available for future generations. Each year, hundreds of thousands of articles are added to the archival journal collections as the “moving wall” for each journal advances, at no additional cost.

Archival Journals and Primary Sources

Select your community to learn about JSTOR’s fees and options based on your institution’s type and classification.

Artstor collection

We have lowered fees for Artstor to increase access to this widely used resource. Select your community below to see the updated pricing.


Fees to purchase access to books in the Books at JSTOR program are available upon request. You can request fees for individual titles or subject packages. You can also request information on the fees to participate in the Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA) model or the Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA) model.

Books at JSTOR offers savings off the publishers’ list prices according to your classification. Your quote will include information about your eligible savings.

Institutions participating in the Books at JSTOR program may also be subject to an annual platform fee. Contact us to determine if the Annual Platform Fee will apply to your institution.

JSTOR Digital Stewardship Services

Developed by a mission-driven nonprofit in collaboration with librarians and archivists, JSTOR Digital Stewardship Services offer an integrated, cloud-hosted solution that unifies digital asset management, descriptive metadata creation, long-term preservation, and powerful tools for access and discovery. Select your community to learn about JSTOR’s fees and options based on your institution’s type and classification.