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April 17, 2023

Big Ten Academic Alliance and JSTOR Announce Multi-year Agreement for Path to Open Pilot

The research libraries of the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) have entered into a multi-year pilot agreement with JSTOR to support Path to Open, a new cost-effective, sustainable publishing model for supporting frontlist university press monographs and making them open access after three years.

More than 30 university presses and hundreds of authors are part of Path to Open. The initial 100 books will be released on JSTOR in the fall of 2023, with an additional 300 titles being… Read more»

March 20, 2023

JSTOR Daily wins Anthem Award for excellence in mission-driven news and journalism

JSTOR Daily, our online magazine, won a Silver Anthem for excellence in mission-driven news and journalism from the producers of the prestigious Webby Awards. Daily was recognized for its contributions to the fields of Education, Arts & Culture in the Awareness & Media Category for Non-Profit Institutions.

The 2023 Anthem Winners were selected by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences from 2,000 submissions representing 43 countries around the world. We’re proud to be honored alongside… Read more»

February 7, 2023

A new JSTOR fee model option to maximize access to knowledge: A letter from Kevin Guthrie

Dear Colleagues,

I recently shared the 2023 priorities ITHAKA has set to help provide the infrastructure the academic community needs to support research, teaching, and learning in an increasingly digital world. One of our most important aims is to provide universal access to as much content as possible. We are pursuing this through a range of initiatives, including Path to Open launched last month. I am excited to share another effort today: a new archive fee modelRead more»

January 17, 2023

JSTOR and university press partners announce Path to Open books pilot

JSTOR, part of the non-profit ITHAKA, and a cohort of leading university presses announced today Path to Open, a program to support the open access publication of new groundbreaking scholarly books that will bring diverse perspectives and research to millions of people.

Launching as a pilot, Path to Open libraries will contribute funds to enable participating presses to publish new books that will transition from licensed to open access within three years of publication. The initial pilot will produce about… Read more»

January 5, 2023

ITHAKA and JSTOR in 2023:
A letter from Kevin Guthrie

Dear Colleagues,

When our founder, Bill Bowen, envisioned JSTOR in 1995, he reached for a very big idea through a relatively small initiative. While our immediate goal was to convert backfiles of important scholarly journals into digital form, the big idea was to begin the transformation of the infrastructure that supports research, teaching, and learning – from buildings and shelves to servers and networks. We initially thought that this conversion would benefit those with journals on their shelves, and indeed… Read more»

December 14, 2022

Reveal Digital’s Peggy Glahn shares insights on Open Access publishing in Serials Review

Scott Vieira, Collection Development Coordinator at Rice University’s Fondren Library, recently interviewed Peggy Glahn for Serials Review about her experience working with libraries to develop Open Access primary source collections in her role as Associate Director of Reveal Digital. Scott and Peggy discussed Reveal Digital’s history and funding model, favorite collections, upcoming publishing activity, and future developments for the digitization of primary sources.

Reveal Digital brings together librariesRead more»

November 15, 2022

JSTOR expands access to academic journals in Hawaiʻi

50,000 students and 15,000 faculty members across ten 4- and 2-year colleges now have access to thousands of academic journals through JSTOR

The University of Hawaiʻi system has invested in the complete JSTOR Archival Journal Collections for all ten of its institutions, including seven community colleges. More than 50,000 students and 15,000 faculty members now have digital access to the complete archives of 2,800 of the world’s leading journals across 70 academic disciplines.

Clement “Clem” Guthro, University Librarian at… Read more»

October 17, 2022

JSTOR’s Demand-Driven Acquisition program now available through Rialto™ and OASIS®

JSTOR and ProQuest extend partnership to offer libraries new options for ebook acquisition

JSTOR’s Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) program is now available through ProQuest Rialto and ProQuest OASIS, providing a new option for academic libraries to participate in JSTOR’s ebook program while managing acquisitions through their preferred workflows.

Audrey Marcus, Senior Vice President, ProQuest Books at Clarivate, commented, “The abilityRead more»

October 4, 2022

JSTOR Open Community Collections now available through OCLC WorldCat Discovery and ExLibris Primo/Summon

JSTOR Open Community Collections are now available through OCLC WorldCat Discovery and ExLibris Primo/Summon, in addition to EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). OCLC, ExLibris, and EDS participants will gain access to a breadth of freely accessible primary source content including artwork, photographs, publications, recordings, and other artifacts from hundreds of library collections around the world.

Community Collections enables institutions to host their special collections on the JSTOR platform, making unique primary source collections discoverable to a large… Read more»

October 4, 2022

Reveal Digital’s Diversity & Dissent program, now fully funded, to offer four Open Access collections

Reveal Digital brings together libraries, historical societies, and community archives to create collections of important primary source content. We make them available Open Access on JSTOR to ensure that they are easy to discover and use, and preserve them for future generations.

We are delighted to announce that the Diversity & Dissent Digitization Fund has reached its cost recovery threshold. Altogether, 61 libraries contributed $2.3 million to enableRead more»