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March 23, 2015

Partner profile: Kevin Thiele

Photograph of Kevin Thiele Kevin Thiele is a systematist and taxonomist with a particular interest in Australian Proteaceae, Rhamnaceae, Viola and Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae). He is currently working on new Western Australian species and other taxonomic matters in Hibbertia, but notes that as a herbarium curator, there is rarely enough time in the day to complete all that has to get done and manage to do much “real work.” So, he does taxonomic work in between other tasks. For Kevin, this time is almost meditative: “By around 3:30 in the afternoon, to stop myself banging my head on the door or going completely barking mad, I disappear into a quiet corner of the vaults and work on taxonomy for a bit – it’s a wonderful salve for sanity.” Read more»

February 9, 2015

JSTOR moves to new platform

Santa Clara, CA and New York, NY — February 9, 2015 — ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways, is announcing jointly with Atypon®, a leading provider of software to the scientific and scholarly publishing industry, the move of the JSTOR digital library, including its related primary source collections, from Atypon’s Literatum platform to a new technology platform created by… Read more»