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October 21, 2016

ITHAKA founder and trustee William G. Bowen dies

The world has lost a uniquely gifted leader and friend. Bill Bowen passed away peacefully at 83 on October 20, 2016. He dedicated his entire professional life to the world of education and was founding chairman of JSTOR and ITHAKA and founding trustee of Artstor. We extend our heartfelt sympathies and deepest condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues.

Learn more about Bill Bowen’s extraordinary life.… Read more»

October 19, 2016

Global Plants at the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections

We were delighted to see so many partners and presentations about Global Plants at the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) meeting in June in Berlin!

Thanks to the generosity of Panama-based Smithsonian Institution Tropical Research Institute and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, we were able to provide funds as travel stipends for representatives of Global Plants partner institutions to attend SPNHC. The recipients included:… Read more»

September 15, 2016

New Collection: Plants & Society

We have proposed developing and launching a new content collection titled “Plants & Society.” It will be a multi-format resource center—including primary sources, journals, and books—that builds on JSTOR’s existing resources in Ecology, Botany, and the Plant Sciences to provide an innovative lens for examining the complex relationships of plants with nature, society, and humanity. This collection will focus on the historical, cultural, aesthetic, and environmental implications and uses of plants, and will help researchers and students to position… Read more»

June 1, 2016

Connect with @JSTORPlants

@JSTORPlants on Twitter provides an open channel for discussion with the Global Plants community about all things botanical. Each week we highlight content in Global Plants and promote research and events relevant to the Global Plants partner network. We try to feature and retweet content about our partner institutions, so next time you’re tweeting about an awesome event at your institution, or a paper you publish, let us know! Read more»

May 31, 2016

Books at JSTOR partners with the Theological Book Network

The Theological Book Network and JSTOR have entered into an innovative partnership to offer ebooks from 17 leading scholarly publishers to ten theological seminaries in India, Kenya, Ghana, and South Africa. The Theological Book Network worked closely with librarians to identify 250 works in theology, biblical studies, church history, and Christian-Muslim engagement to include in this project.

The publishers who contributed are:… Read more»

April 7, 2016

Global Plants at European Botanical Horticultural Libraries Group

We were thrilled to attend the European Botanical & Horticultural Libraries (EBHL) Group annual meeting held at Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh in April of 2016. Many Global Plants partners attended the EBHL meeting: Botanic Garden Meise, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Cambridge University, Chicago Botanic Garden, Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Geneve, Harvard University, Linnean Society of London, Missouri Botanical Garden, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, The New York Botanical Garden,… Read more»

April 5, 2016

Celebrate when history became herstory, too

Did you know that it wasn’t until the 1970s when the first courses in Women’s History were created? Among the scholarly pioneers was Gerda Lerner, a historian who made it her mission to spearhead the first Women’s Studies programs. Thanks to Lerner and other visionaries at the time, we retraced our steps in history to find women’s footprints too, and thus an essential field of study was born.

Visit JSTOR’s scholarly news magazine, JSTOR Daily, to learn about theRead more»

February 7, 2016

Welcoming botany & plant science publishers

Earlier this year we launched our Plants eBook Collection at JSTOR. It includes 242 books from over 50 publishers, including University of California Press, Columbia University Press, Yale University Press, and University of Pennsylvania Press. The collection is divided into five thematic sets:

Biodiversity, Conservation & Ecology Botany Forestry, Ferns & Mosses Garden & Landscape Design Useful Plants (includes Agriculture, Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Gardening, and Horticulture)

The collection is fully customizable so libraries can pick and choose… Read more»

January 28, 2016

Artstor-ITHAKA Community Letter

To our creators, partners, and users:

We are writing to you as a valued member of our community to share the good news that Artstor, the not-for-profit provider of the Artstor Digital Library of images and the Shared Shelf platform for cataloguing and digital asset management, will now operate under the umbrella of its fellow not-for-profit ITHAKA, the organization that currently operates three other services: JSTOR, Portico and Ithaka S+R. As you may know, Artstor,… Read more»

January 19, 2016

Inside Higher Ed examines growth in JSTOR’s ebook program

The Books at JSTOR program is growing quickly and now offers 40,000 titles from 100 participating publishers. A recent article in Inside Higher Ed attributes the program’s success to the popularity of the JSTOR platform among student and faculty researchers, which helps increase discovery of the ebooks. The article also discusses JSTOR’s DRM-free model, the financial benefits to libraries, the increase in foreign-language content, and more.

Read the full articleRead more»