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News Tag: Open Access

May 27, 2020

Expanded Access to JSTOR archive extended through 2020: a letter from Kevin Guthrie

Dear colleagues,

On March 18th, working in collaboration with JSTOR’s publishing partners, we announced a set of expanded access offerings to support libraries, faculty, and students making the emergency shift to remote instruction and research. In the nine weeks since launching the program, there have been more than 10 million accesses to that content. We are inspired by the impact of the initiative and are motivated by the many messages of support we have received from publishers, librarians, and… Read more»

December 20, 2019

The impact of Open Access Latin American scholarship

In 2018, JSTOR received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the digitization of 680 out-of-print titles from El Colegio de México Press and the dissemination of those titles on an openly accessible basis.

In a new white paper, we document the significance of this work, the process used to select and digitize titles, and what we’ve learned about the usage of this collection. We hope this will benefit other initiatives interested in increasing access… Read more»

October 22, 2019

Open Access pilot for Latin American monographs

LARRP, CLACSO, JSTOR, and García Cambeiro launch pilot

A partnership led by the Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP) in collaboration with the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), JSTOR, and Latin American bookseller García Cambeiro is working toward introducing a sustainable Open Access model for monographs to be developed and supported by the library community. This project is funded by the following LARRP member libraries: NYU, Columbia University, the New York Public Library, Harvard University, Princeton University, the… Read more»

October 16, 2019

Center for Research Libraries and JSTOR partner to make South Asian historical materials openly available online

JSTOR and the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) are pleased to announce that collections from the South Asia Open Archives are now openly available on JSTOR, at

The South Asia Open Archives (SAOA) is a rich and growing collection of historical and contemporary sources in the arts, humanities and social sciences from and about South Asia. SAOA has been made possible through a collaborative grassroots initiative of US research libraries and partners from South Asia and has grown… Read more»

May 13, 2019

Open Access collaboration with El Colegio de México expands

Thanks to a grant from the Mellon Foundation, we’ve worked with El Colegio de México to digitize nearly 600 important scholarly books and make them available to everyone on an Open Access basis. These titles have been highly used in the six months since we started adding them to JSTOR: every book has been accessed, and there have been more than 175,000 chapter views and downloads in 180 countries and territories!

We are now working on digitizing approximately… Read more»

April 13, 2018

Mellon grant supports digitization and open access of Latin American scholarship

En español
More than 600 out-of-print scholarly books published by El Colegio de México will be digitized and made available in open access form by JSTOR, thanks to a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The grant has been offered as part of the Humanities Open Book Program, a joint project of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Mellon Foundation to make important scholarly books available widely to students and researchers.… Read more»

April 13, 2018

Una subvención de The Mellon Foundation financia la digitalización y el acceso abierto a publicaciones académicas latinoamericanas

In English

JSTOR digitalizará y dará acceso abierto a más de 600 libros académicos publicados por El Colegio de México que están fuera de circulación, gracias a una subvención otorgada por The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. La subvención ha sido otorgada como parte del Humanities Open Book Program (Programa de Libro Abierto para las Humanidades), un proyecto conjunto entre the National Endowment for the Humanities y The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, cuya finalidad es… Read more»