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News Tag: Books

April 13, 2018

Mellon grant supports digitization and open access of Latin American scholarship

En español
More than 600 out-of-print scholarly books published by El Colegio de México will be digitized and made available in open access form by JSTOR, thanks to a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The grant has been offered as part of the Humanities Open Book Program, a joint project of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Mellon Foundation to make important scholarly books available widely to students and researchers.… Read more»

April 13, 2018

Una subvención de The Mellon Foundation financia la digitalización y el acceso abierto a publicaciones académicas latinoamericanas

In English

JSTOR digitalizará y dará acceso abierto a más de 600 libros académicos publicados por El Colegio de México que están fuera de circulación, gracias a una subvención otorgada por The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. La subvención ha sido otorgada como parte del Humanities Open Book Program (Programa de Libro Abierto para las Humanidades), un proyecto conjunto entre the National Endowment for the Humanities y The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, cuya finalidad es… Read more»

March 27, 2018

EDUCAUSE on JSTOR Labs and Columbia Libraries’ TopicGraph

This week, EDUCAUSE Review explores the collaboration between JSTOR Labs and Columbia Libraries on the Reimagining the Monograph project, which resulted in the speedy creation of the TopicGraph prototype tool.

EDUCAUSE liked what it saw, writing that the two organizations “hit on a new approach to doing fun, engaging, fast-paced discovery by pulling together the best of design thinking, agile/lean startup processes, and commercial/academic partnership benefits.” The article goes on to describe the new tool,… Read more»

January 22, 2018

Text Analyzer is now multilingual

Text Analyzer, the tool that allows you to use your own documents to search for articles and books in JSTOR, is now capable of analyzing content in Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.

Using Text Analyzer remains as easy as always – simply upload a document, copy and paste text, or point to a URL. Text Analyzer then determines the native language, analyzes the document to determine its topics, and finds… Read more»

January 5, 2018

JSTOR joins Crossref Ambassadors

Crossref logoJSTOR has long participated as a Crossref affiliate, and now our digital content manager Lauren Lissaris has expanded that relationship by becoming a Crossref Ambassador. Crossref advocates persistent cross-publisher citation linking using Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) in online academic journals, and its new Crossref Ambassadors program brings together volunteers from the international scholarly research community to improve scholarly communication and promote Crossref’s role in those efforts. Read more»

November 10, 2017

Free resources for World Science Day

November 10 is World Science Day for Peace and Development, a UNESCO-proclaimed international holiday that highlights the intersection of science and society and celebrates the important role science plays in peace, development, and sustainability.

Start off your World Science Day celebration with our free LibGuides for your students’ scientific and technological research on JSTOR: Ecology & Botany, Mathematics & Statistics, Global Plants<span… Read more»

November 6, 2017

Introducing JSTOR Forum: A new tool for managing and distributing collections

JSTOR and Artstor have long worked with cultural and educational institutions to make digital content more discoverable. Today we are pleased to announce JSTOR Forum—the next generation of our Shared Shelf tool—that will help libraries, museums, and individuals unlock the value of their digital collections and projects by making them more visible and usable than ever before.

Libraries and museums can use JSTOR Forum to upload and manage image and text content, which can be published using a variety of… Read more»

October 31, 2017

JSTOR’s ebook program wins Readers’ Choice Award from The Charleston Advisor

Books at JSTOR was named 2017’s “Most Improved Product” in The Charleston Advisor’s sixteenth annual Readers’ Choice Awards. Voters praised the program’s greater breadth of content, DRM-free access model, and Open Access ebook offering.

The Charleston Advisor publishes peer-reviewed appraisals of online resources for libraries, and the Readers’ Choice Awards recognize the best–and in the case of the Lemon/Vaporware Award, the worst–digital services for academia. Other winners this year included Oxford Research Encyclopedias (Best Content) and SAGE Publishing… Read more»