
The annual fees for community colleges are based on Full Time Enrollment (FTE) size split into three classifications.

Community colleges classifications based on full time enrollment.
Classification Full Time Enrollment
Small >1,000
Medium 1,000 – 10,000
Large >10,000

Annual subscription option

Community college libraries can subscribe to a single collection containing all archival journals and primary sources that are available for licensed access on JSTOR.

Download title list (xlsx)

Annual subscription option for small, medium, and large community colleges
Classification Annual Access Fee (AAF)
Small $1,500
Medium $2,600
Large $5,000

One-time payment option

Community college libraries can purchase a single collection containing all archival journals and primary sources on JSTOR for a single one-time fee.

Download title list (xlsx)

One-time payment fee for small, medium, and large community colleges
Classification One-Time Payment Fee
Small $25,500
Medium $44,200
Large $85,000

Artstor collection

Artstor collection fees for community colleges by classification
Classification Fee
Small $875
Medium $875
Large $1,295

JSTOR Digital Stewardship Services

Developed by a mission-driven nonprofit in collaboration with librarians and archivists, JSTOR Digital Stewardship Services offer an integrated, cloud-hosted solution that unifies digital asset management, descriptive metadata creation, long-term preservation, and powerful tools for access and discovery. Our tiered service model ensures institutions of all sizes can access affordable, scalable solutions for digital stewardship. The below fees are based on your JSTOR classification.

Tier 1: Share on JSTOR

Annual fees for community colleges begin at $1,200.

Tier 2: Preserve, manage, and share

Annual fees for community colleges begin at $5,000.

Tier 3: AI-assisted stewardship charter program

Institutions can participate in our Tier 3 charter program, which provides a unique opportunity to help shape AI-assisted digital stewardship while benefiting from:

  • Charter member savings
  • Expanded processing capabilities
  • Direct collaboration with a mission-driven nonprofit

Annual Tier 3 charter fees for community colleges begin at $6,000. Learn more about the charter program.

Contact us to find the solution that will meet your needs.