JSTOR offers more than 6,000 Open Access ebooks from 75+ publishers at no cost to libraries or users. Here is a selection of titles relevant to the key thematic topics in the Lives of Literature collection.

Medieval Authors & Texts

Chaucer and the Poets: An Essay on Troilus and CriseydeVertical Readings in Dante's Comedy
Winthrop Wetherbee, Cornell University Press

Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World
Edited by Igor Candido, De Gruyter

Piety in Pieces: How Medieval Readers Customized their Manuscripts
Kathryn M. Rudy, Open Book Publishers

Vertical Readings in Dante’s Comedy: Volume 1
Edited by George Corbett and Heather Webb, Open Book Publishers

Modernist Authors

Enthusiast!: Essays on Modern American LiteratureThe Worlds of Langston Hughes
David Herd, Manchester University Press

Proust and America: The Influence of American Art, Culture, and Literature on A la recherché du temps perdu
Michael Murphy, Liverpool University Press

The Worlds of Langston Hughes: Modernism and Translation in the Americas
Vera M. Kutzinski, Cornell University Press

Yeats’s Legacies : Yeats Annual No. 21
Edited by Warwick Gould, Open Book Publishers

Victorian, Edwardian & Gothic Authors

Changing the Victorian SubjectTransformation of Rage
Edited by Maggie Tonkin, Mandy Treagus, Madeleine Seys, and Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, University of Adelaide Press

Charles Dickens and the Image of Women
David Holbrook, NYU Press

Strange Science: Investigating the Limits of Knowledge in the Victorian Age
Lara Karpenko and Shalyn Claggett, University of Michigan Press

Transformation of Rage: Mourning and Creativity in George Eliot’s Fiction
Peggy Fitzhugh Johnstone, NYU Press

Literary Theorists

Bread and Circuses: Theories of Mass Culture as Social DecayThe Self and Its Pleasures
Patrick Brantlinger, Cornell University Press

The Institution of Criticism
Peter Uwe Hohendahl, Cornell University Press

Roland Barthes at the Collège de France
Lucy O’Meara, Liverpool University Press

The Self and Its Pleasures: Bataille, Lacan, and the History of the Decentered Subject
Carolyn J. Dean, Cornell University Press