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Alexandria, The City
June 17, 2013

Alexandria, The City

Marlene Nakagawa, Undergraduate student at the University of Oregon During his ongoing series of campaigns, Alexander the Great founded or renamed nearly twenty cities after himself. From Pakistan to Turkey, these cities stood as a representation (as if one was necessary) of his omnipresence in the ancient world. Over the centuries, most of the Alexandrian cities […]

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Shushtar: A Town to Tame Water
June 17, 2013

Shushtar: A Town to Tame Water

Peyvand Firouzeh, PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge Aridity in the Islamic world stands in contrast to the well-known landscape architecture of Islamic gardens, where water is used generously and luxuriously. The contrast hints at creative methods of dealing with water scarcity: from man-made canals and reservoirs to cisterns and qanats (subterranean tunnel-wells), examples of which can […]

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June 14, 2013

Happy Father’s Day from Artstor

Happy Father’s Day! Every year on the third Sunday of June we celebrate our dads – whether or not they’re as stylish as the one in this portrait by Anthony van Dyke in the Musée du Louvre, courtesy of the Réunion des Musées Nationaux.

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Now available: Shared Shelf support for users
June 12, 2013

Now available: Shared Shelf support for users

Good news: Shared Shelf subscribers can now bulk-publish image files and associated metadata to collections in With the Shared Shelf Link plugin, metadata is mapped to Omeka’s Dublin Core fields from customizable schemas in Shared Shelf to publish projects to an site. To get started using this plugin, contact Shared Shelf Support. Want to […]

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June 10, 2013

Announcing the winners of the ARTstor Travel Award 2013!

Congratulations to the five winners of this year’s ARTstor Travel Awards! They will each receive $1,500 to be used for their teaching and research travel needs over the course of the next year. The winning essays and accompanying images will be posted in the blog in the near future. Our thanks to everyone who submitted an […]

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May 13, 2013

Fashion from the Great Gatsby’s roaring twenties

“I noticed that she wore her evening dress, all her dresses, like sports clothes—there was a jauntiness about her movements as if she had first learned to walk upon a golf course on clean, crisp, mornings.” –F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby The recent movie adaptation of The Great Gatsby has turned the spotlight on the […]

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May 3, 2013

May is National Barbecue Month, allegedly

May is National Barbecue Month, allegedly. Why the hedging? Because the closest to an official citation we could find was this post on the USDA blog from 2012. But we’ll go with it because a) it gives us the excuse to post this mid-19th century watercolor from The Walters Art Museum, b) we like barbecue, and c) it’s close […]

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April 25, 2013

Celebrating National Bike Month

May is National Bike Month! Did you know that there are more than a billion bicycles worldwide? Perhaps more surprisingly, the basic configuration of a bicycle hasn’t changed much from the chain-driven model developed around 1885. The first pedal-propelled bicycle was reputedly invented by Kirkpatrick MacMillan in Scotland in 1839. While not everyone agrees on his breakthrough, […]

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April 23, 2013

Butterfly sightings

Spring time is here and butterflies are already making their annual appearance, according to To celebrate, we’ve compiled a slideshow of selections from a wide variety of eras, regions, and fields of study, from science to art to costume design. Search the Artstor Digital Library for butterfl* to find more than 1,000 images with the keywords […]

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April 23, 2013

Did you know? Saved searches

We are constantly adding new content to the ARTstor Digital Library, and searches you performed in the past will very likely yield additional results in the future. Did you know you can now save search parameters to easily run the same search again? After you perform a search, you will see an option to Save this […]

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