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Blog Topic: Research

September 6, 2023

Text analysis in action:
Uncovering insights and making data-driven decisions

By Amy Kirchhoff, Senior Manager, Constellate
Text analysis informs decision-making across a broad swath of industries and domains. Organizations and businesses leverage text analysis to extract meaningful information from a range of texts including customer reviews, social media posts, and support tickets. Researchers use text analysis to find critical information quickly. Text analysis enables automated content categorization for organizing and understanding […]

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August 14, 2023

Approaching generative AI together

By Kevin Guthrie, President, ITHAKA
Despite these concerns, and in some ways because of them, we are collaborating closely with our community of librarians, faculty, researchers, and students to address the numerous existential questions, institutional concerns, and practical considerations introduced by use of generative AI in education. We are great believers in learning both through careful research and through action, and so I want to introduce you to some of the work we have underway.

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July 24, 2023

Unleashing the power of text analysis:
Understanding the basics

By Amy Kirchhoff, Senior Manager, Constellate
Text analysis is behind the auto-suggest on your phone, the spam filter on your email, and the suggestions in your streaming services. Its practical use in our everyday lives has been quietly impactful for many years, but recently there has been serious buzz around text analysis and generative artificial intelligence, including their potential effects on human society. If you aren’t aware of what text analysis is and how it can benefit your academic and professional life, keep reading.

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