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Blog Tag: Hypothesis

July 25, 2024

What’s new at JSTOR: Enhancing access and engagement with innovative technologies

By Victoria Spitz, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, ITHAKA
At JSTOR, our mission is to improve access to knowledge and education for people around the world. We're excited to share several new initiatives leveraging cutting-edge technology to make scholarly materials more accessible, interactive, and engaging for our users. Here's a detailed look at the latest advancements we recently shared at ALA 2024 in San Diego.

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February 20, 2024

Students need to learn how to read scholarly articles:
Here’s how technology can help

By Jeremy Dean, former Vice President of Education at Hypothesis, and Alex Humphreys, Vice President of Innovation at ITHAKA
Discover how technology like generative AI can aid students in understanding complex concepts while emphasizing the importance of close reading and deep engagement. Explore the potential of social annotation technology in learning to read challenging scholarly materials.

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