Amplify the reach of your collections

Share your collections openly on JSTOR, the platform where millions begin their academic work. Researchers can access your collections without paywalls alongside the high-quality primary and secondary sources already on JSTOR, bringing greater value to the learner and your institution.

Future-proof your digital content

Preserve your collections with Portico, an archive that safeguards the accessibility and usability of your digital files in the long term, addressing the needs of tomorrow’s scholars. Trusted by more than 1,000 publishers and over 1,000 libraries worldwide, Portico maintains your content so it remains functional and discoverable.

Streamline your digital collection workflows

Build, catalog, and publish your digital collections with JSTOR Forum, a cloud-based tool that allows you to catalog, edit metadata, and publish to JSTOR and other sites—all in one place. Trusted for over a decade by institutions worldwide, Forum offers robust tools, a flexible and intuitive publishing system, and support for multiple media formats—including audio and video.

Support Open Access collections from under-represented voices

Get involved with Reveal Digital. Reveal Digital collaborates with libraries, museums, historical societies, and individual collectors to produce Open Access primary source collections from under-represented voices, meaning these diverse thematic collections are available to everyone everywhere.

Support preserved collections from under-represented voices

Suggest an at-risk collection for preservation. Portico collaborates with libraries, museums, historical societies, and individual collectors to provide gold-standard preservation for under-represented voices. If you know of a collection that might benefit from Portico’s services, let’s connect.