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Share, preserve, and build your collections and amplify their reach easily and affordably with ITHAKA’s infrastructure services.

Collaborative, tech-driven solutions

We’re collaborating with our community to develop transformative solutions for digital collections stewardship, and to deepen and expand research with JSTOR’s corpus.

Artstor on JSTOR

Find 2+ million images and multimedia in Artstor’s collection, newly discoverable on JSTOR. Artstor on JSTOR gives you the ability to engage educators and students through active learning and visual literacy—and now it’s more affordable than ever.

Path to Open

Acquire the latest monograph ebooks in emerging areas of study. Support your institution’s research needs with our community-supported program. Increase equity, cultural diversity, and investment in large-scale open access models.

Maximize access to JSTOR with a new archive fee model

Learn about a full journals and primary sources model option for universities and four-year colleges that provides access to all licensed JSTOR archival journals and primary source content in a single collection.

Fill out the form below and we will be in touch soon.

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Share my collections on JSTOR
Preserve my collections with Portico
Build/catalog/publish my collections with JSTOR Forum
Empower faculty to build critical visual literacy skills with Artstor on JSTOR
Acquire exclusive access to high-quality frontlist Path to Open books
Opt into a full journals and primary sources model for access to all archive journals and primary sources on JSTOR

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