Institutions want to share their collections on JSTOR or preserve them in Portico, but don’t have the time or resources to migrate those collections themselves. ITHAKA, the nonprofit bringing you trusted resources like JSTOR and Portico, can help.

In this video, Bruce Heterick, Senior Vice President of Open Collections and Infrastructure at ITHAKA, discusses how you can:

  • Effortlessly share and/or preserve your content with collection harvesting
  • Save time and resources by offloading content migration work to ITHAKA
  • Refresh your collections with quarterly harvesting
  • Expect an easy process and an excellent service

Complete this form to learn how we can harvest your collections.

Through decades of offering trusted non-profit resources like JSTOR and Portico, ITHAKA has built the infrastructure services that enable you to make your collections discoverable and free of paywalls to a global community of faculty, students, and researchers, and to ensure your content remains accessible for generations to come.