Discover the new ways JSTOR and ITHAKA support teaching and learning, make access to knowledge affordable, expand open access initiatives, and preserve your resources for generations to come.

Join us on the Path to Open

Acquire unlimited, exclusive access to new, high-quality frontlist Path to Open books every year starting this fall. Three years after publication, the titles will then be released openly to the world.

Maximize access to JSTOR with a new archive fee model

Learn about a new fee model option for universities and four-year colleges that provides access to all licensed JSTOR archival journals and primary source content in a single collection.


Prepare your students for a data-driven future

Explore Constellate, a new platform for teaching, learning, and performing text analysis and data skills using scholarly and primary source content from JSTOR, Portico, and partners.

Advance your institution’s digital initiatives

Share, preserve, and build your collections and amplify their reach easily and affordably with ITHAKA’s infrastructure services.

Sign up to receive information about our services:

Note: Items marked with * are required.

Path to Open
New Archive Fee Model
Infrastructure Services