Jisc and JSTOR are collaborating to support discovery, use, and impact of open digital collections for the benefit of the research and teaching community and collection owners. Jisc functions as the UK node for engagement with and take-up of the programme by UK universities with JSTOR providing the service delivery platform.

Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales

Angus Library and Archive at Regent’s Park College - University of Oxford

Bangor University

Birkbeck - University of London

Cambridge University Library

Cardiff University

Coventry University

Goldsmiths - University of London

Heriot-Watt University

London Metropolitan University

London School of Economics and Political Science

National Library of Scotland

Queen's University Belfast

Swansea University

Ulster University

University of Central Lancashire

University College London

University of East London

University of Exeter

University of Glasgow

University of Leeds

University of Manchester

University of Portsmouth

University of Salford

University of Sheffield

University of Southampton

University of Stirling

University of Sussex

University of Warwick

University of York

Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre