Start exploring our content and tools at Most faculty and students access JSTOR through their institutional library, providing comprehensive access to our research, teaching, and learning resources. For those without sufficient institutional access, we also offer open access content and individual subscription options.
How to access JSTOR’s content and tools
JSTOR provides seamless access to world-class scholarly content across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences–all on one feature-rich platform.
- Open access content: As part of our mission to expand access to knowledge and education worldwide, we collaborate with libraries and publishers to make an increasing amount of content discoverable and freely accessible worldwide, including journals, books, images and multimedia, research reports, primary sources, and more. All content adheres to JSTOR’s high standards for quality and scholarly value. These resources are automatically included in search results on or you can limit your search to open and free content only.
- Read articles online for free: We’ve also partnered with publishers to offer free online access to approximately 80% of the journal articles on our platform. Learn how to view these articles by registering for a personal account on JSTOR.
- Individual subscriptions: JPASS, a personal subscription to JSTOR, provides affordable, comprehensive access to more than 2,000 respected journals. It offers enhanced features including PDF downloads and unlimited online reading. View monthly and annual plans.
- Institutional access: For institutions interested in licensing JSTOR collections, librarians can learn more here.
Artstor on JSTOR
Artstor provides access to over 2 million high-quality multimedia assets, including images, videos, and audio, directly on the JSTOR platform. This integration enables educators to enrich their courses with diverse multimedia content—helping to foster student engagement, improve comprehension, and address different learning styles.
- Open access content: Hundreds of thousands of Artstor images are freely available to explore on JSTOR.
- Institutional access: For institutions interested in exploring Artstor on JSTOR, librarians can learn more and request a free trial.
Constellate, a user-friendly text analysis tool, helps faculty integrate data literacy into the curriculum. Students can analyze large datasets, which builds critical thinking skills while also familiarizing them with digital humanities methodologies, an increasingly valuable skill in today’s academic environment and post-graduate job market.
- Free individual access: you can create an account, join our webinars, and begin working with datasets and creating visualizations for free.
- The Pedagogy Package, available through institutional access, provides advanced features. Librarians can learn more and request a free trial.
Through our partnership with Hypothesis, JSTOR users can access its social annotation tool, which promotes active learning by allowing students to annotate and discuss texts collaboratively. It boosts engagement, critical thinking, and deep analysis while integrating seamlessly with learning management systems, making it a flexible, scalable tool for modern classrooms.
- JSTOR and Hypothesis are fully integrated for institutions that participate in both services; there is no cost to instructors or students.
- If your institution already supports Hypothesis, you’re ready to go! Simply create a Hypothesis-enabled assignment in your course through your LMS.
- If your institution doesn’t yet have access to Hypothesis, or if you’re not sure whether your institution is covered, fill out this quick form to express your interest, and the Hypothesis team will reach out to assist you.
- Nonprofit mission: Our mission prioritizes access to knowledge over profits. We believe education is key to the well-being of individuals and society, and we work to make it more effective and affordable.
- Trusted resources: We provide high-quality academic content and a robust set of research, teaching, and learning tools with a long history of reliability and global reach.
- Ease of use: Our user-friendly platform is designed to streamline your research and teaching, with intuitive tools for searching, saving, citing, annotating, and exporting content.
- Affordability: In addition to millions of open and free journals, books, research reports, images, and more, we offer flexible and cost-effective models for libraries, as well as free and low-cost options for individuals.
- Innovation: We invest in emerging technologies to advance text analysis, social annotation, AI-powered interactive research, content recommendations, and more.
- Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion: ITHAKA is dedicated to improving access to knowledge for all, promoting bibliodiversity, and shining light on underrepresented voices.
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Image credits: 1. Japanese. Box in the Shape of an Open Illustrated Book. Late 19th century. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.