New: Additional images from the New-York Historical Society

Tiffany Studios. Landscape window. 1910-1920. Leaded glass. Image and data from New-York Historical Society Museum & Library.
New-York Historical Society: Museum & Library
The New-York Historical Society has contributed new content to the Artstor Digital Library, more than 3,000 images bringing their total close to 23,000. Founded in 1804, the city’s oldest museum presents its history through varied works — American paintings, sculpture, prints and drawings, decorative arts and artifacts, and historical photographs. The current launch is highlighted by a comprehensive collection of luminous Tiffany glass and some cunning earthenware figurines that belonged to sculptor Elie Nadelman, who was among our earliest collectors of folk art.
American culture & history, art & architecture, and urban studies.
*Totals may vary depending on domestic or international release.